
“The Case Against Me Is Motivated by Blood Lust” – Roger Stone Responds to Latest Attack from Federal Prosecutors

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The deep state is persistent and will not stop.  If you are a friend of President Trump then you are the enemy of the US DOJ and FBI.  The two-tiered Justice system continues.
Roger Stone is under attack again.  They will not stop until they destroy this American patriot.

Today Roger Stone faced another DOJ attack in court, this time in Florida:

Federal prosecutors in Florida filed a civil lawsuit against Donald Trump’s former campaign adviser Roger Stone on Friday, alleging Stone and his wife, Nydia, have failed to pay the federal government roughly $2 million in unpaid income taxes, penalties and interest.

Prosecutors allege Stone and his wife owe $1,590,361 in unpaid income taxes, penalties and interest for the years 2007 through 2011,