
Washington Post Report May Include Some Accuracy In Indicating that It Was former AG Bill Barr Who Blocked the Release of the Spygate Documents

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The Washington Post came out with a story this past week that indicates that former AG Bill Barr was the one to block the release of the Spygate documents. 

Since this comes from the Washington Post we have to take it with a grain of salt, but if true, it’s a damning report on the former AG Bill Barr.  According to deep state favorite David Ignatius of the Washington Post:

In the Trump administration’s four-year battle with the intelligence community, a recurring character was a brash lawyer named Kashyap P. “Kash” Patel. He appeared so frequently, in so many incarnations, that he was almost a “Zelig” figure in President Donald Trump’s confrontation against what he imagined as the “deep state.”

Patel repeatedly pressed intelligence agencies to release secrets that,