
DISTURBING DEVELOPMENT: Windham Officials to Choose “Windham Incident” FORENSIC AUDITOR in SECRET!

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Guest article by reporter Ken Eyring at Granite Grok

When the integrity of NH elections are questioned… there should be no compromises made regarding transparency when seeking answers. None. Election integrity issues should be resolved in an open, public process for all to observe. 

Unfortunately, it appears the Windham Board of Selectmen do not agree.

I do not make that statement lightly, as I know each of the Selectmen personally. Most people would remain silent, but I believe it’s irresponsible to do so.

Especially since similar concerns were ignored by officials in other states where many shenanigans took place in November’s general election. “Anomalies” and “Glitches” were words that some used to describe what others declared (with sworn affidavits) were fraudulent activities.