
THE ROAD TO GLOBAL FASCISM: How Wall Street Investment Banks Use Coercion to Promote Social Justice, Climate Change, and Globalism

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Guest post by Bob Bishop

Italian Dictator Mussolini said fascism was “rule by corporations.”  Mussolini’s definition has mutated where the global elites are now starting to use a corporate social credit score to exert control over corporations and free-market enterprise. 

The template for growing global fascism is CEO Larry Fink’s Blackrock investment bank ($8.7 trillion assets under management).  This article will demonstrate Blackrock’s growing influence which promotes social justice, climate change, and globalism to the detriment of free enterprise.

Larry Fink the Globalist

Larry Fink is a board member of the World Economic Forum, built around the motto “you will own nothing and be happy.” The World Economic Forum is an international organization of political and corporate apparatchiks whose mission is global collectivism.