
It’s Back! Parler Returns to Apple’s App Store Following Coordinated Effort By Media and Big Tech to Shut the Platform Down

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Parler is back in the Apple app store after a coordinated attack from the media and big tech to shut the free-speech oriented platform down.

Republican Congressmen Ken Buck and Mike Lee had sent a letter to Apple late last month demanding answers about why Apple removed Parler from the App Store.

On Monday, the representatives received a response saying that the platform would be reinstated.

On March 31, @SenMikeLee and I sent a letter demanding answers about why Apple removed Parler from the App Store.

🚨Today, we received a response: Parler will be reinstated on the App Store. Huge win for free speech. pic.twitter.com/FQBDSSSFGk

— Congressman Ken Buck (@RepKenBuck) April 19,