
Rioting Terrorists Once Again Destroy Portland, Target Youth Center, Popeye’s, Natural Grocers

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After *PEACEFULLY* smashing up churches, historical museums, and immigrant run businesses the other day, the antifa terrorists of Portland have once again proven that there is no low they won’t sink to. This time they *PEACEFULLY* smashed up a Boys And Girls Club youth center in Northeast Portland that’s sponsored by the Trailblazers. This is located in the ‘hood and predominately serves children of color who come from underserved backgrounds, the very people whom the *PEACEFUL* rioters claim to want to help.

Abolition and Anarchists protestors, advocating for a society without police or prisons,

They smashed windows of businesses. This is the Natural Grocer

They believe prisons and police are tools of oppression to uphold capitalism and white supremacy,