
Youth Conspiracy Theorist Greta Thunberg Blames COVID-19 on Species Transmission to Pump Up Global Warming Hysteria

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For nearly a year The Gateway Pundit has reported on the most likely theory that the Coronavirus was created in a biolab in Wuhan, China.

Here are a few previous Gateway Pundit articles:

Coronavirus “Did Not Start at the Wuhan Animal Market” – China’s Only Level 4 Super Lab “Is Only a Few Miles Away” – Sen. Tom Cotton Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures (VIDEO)

They admitted to the research at the Wuhan lab before the pandemic–

EXPLOSIVE UPDATE! Top WHO Official Caught on Video in December 2019 Revealing Coronavirus Manipulation at Wuhan Lab Before Pandemic (VIDEO)

The WaPo finally caught up to the Wuhan lab theory this month.