
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Dresses Down Vatican Over Globalist Confab with Chelsea Clinton, Dr. Fauci, Jane Goodall and Other Heretics – Only 2 Clergy Speakers in 114 Listed

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò went off on Pope Francis and the upcoming Vatican Globalist confab this week in Vatican City.

Globalist Pope Francis organized a conference that includes a Who’s Who of globalist activists and pro-abortion fanatics.
This is just the latest slap-in-the-face to his conservative Catholic flock.

Archbishop Vigano spoke out Tuesday against this upcoming conference.

Vaccine developers, Mormon elders, pro-abortion Chelsea Clinton, population control advocate Jane Goodall, a New Age activist, a prominent UK Muslim scholar, and a pro-abortion American actress known for posing nude, are all speakers at an upcoming Vatican conference on ‘health.’ There are only two Catholic clergy listed amongst the 114 speakers. May 6-8.