
EPIC! Jim Jordan BLASTS Democrats for Pushing Defunding of Police Across US as Violence Soars – Democrat Val Demmings FREAKS OUT! (VIDEO)

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Rep. Jim Jordan is the MODEL REPUBLICAN.

Jim Jordan BLASTED lying Democrat Val Demmings during her horrific stunt pretending Democrats support police!


On Tuesday Democrats attacked police officers on the House floor and argued to cut funding to US police.

2020 ended as one of the most violent years in history with homicides from shootings hitting its highest level in 20 years!
This was ALL due to the Democrat Party’s war on police!

During the House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan BLASTED Democrats for defunding the police in cities around the country during a pandemic of urban violence! Talk about INSANE!

Jim Jordan listed off these numbers that for some reason never made any mainstream media headlines?