
BREAKING: Stock Market Tanks After Biden Announces Massive Tax Increases on the Wealthy – Way to go Joe

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The markets immediately reacted to the news that Joe Biden is going to increase taxes on the wealthy.  The DOW dropped 300 points in a matter of minutes.

Yahoo Finance reports:

Stocks erased earlier gains to trade sharply lower after Bloomberg reported Thursday afternoon that President Joe Biden would propose increasing the corporate tax rate on wealthy individuals.

The Dow dropped more than 250 points, or 0.7%, immediately following the report, after trading just slightly lower earlier. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq erased gains to trade at session lows.

Dave Portney’s response to the news of the tax increases was much like millions of Americans:

Way to go Joe! pic.twitter.com/wyWti5BLhL

— Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) April 22,