
Report: “The Squad” Spent Thousands On Private Security While Demanding Police Be Defunded

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Members of progressive Democratic  group “The Squad” reportedly spent “tens of thousands of dollars” on private security and other forms of security services in the first quarter while publicly calling to dismantle or defund the police force due to what they claim to be “institutionalized racism” among its ranks.

The group of radical-left, female lawmakers — composed of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York), Ilhan Omar (Minnesota), Rashida T’laib (Michigan) and Ayanna Pressley (Massachusetts) — were  said to have spent for private securities for themselves, according the Daily Caller, citing Federal Election Commission (FEC) records that it reviewed.

NEW: Members of the progressive-Democrat group in Congress called “the squad” who have been pushing to defund the police,