
Kamala Harris’ Book is Included in Welcome Packs for Migrant Children — Many of Them Trapped in Jam-Packed Biden Cages

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Kamala Harris is reportedly the border czar under the Biden regime.
But she refuses to visit the US southern border where Joe Biden created a catastrophe his first day in office.

The US is currently seeing record numbers of unaccompanied children flooding across the border where their famiies know they will receive free food, clothing, school, healthcare, and cash.

Kamala may not make it down to the US border but her book is.

Kamala’s book “Superheroes Everywhere” is included in the welcome packs for all of the migrant children entering the US.

That way the kids get a healthy dose of bullsh*t propaganda and Kamala likely gets paid.

The Daily Mail reported:

Vice President Kamala Harris’s children’s book Superheroes are Everywhere is being included in welcome packs for unaccompanied migrant children entering America at the Mexico border.