
New York County Republican Party Pull Support for Anti-Trump RINO who Voted to Impeach President Trump

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The Onondaga County Republican Party this week dumped Rep. John Katko over his vote to impeach President Trump over a lie.

Onondaga County Conservative Party dumps John Katko over Trump impeachment vote https://t.co/zgbOS0n5W7

— Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) April 23, 2021

Katko was one of ten Republican lawmakers, along with Liz Cheney, who voted to impeach President Trump over something he never said.

This clown needs to go.

Meanwhile, Democrats ram their Marxist policy across the land.

570 WSYR reported via The Palmieri Report:

Congressman John Katko, has lost some support that could hurt him next election.

Onondaga County Conservative Party members have decided they will not support the four-term Republican,