
Report: Pfizer and Moderna COVID “Vaccines” Could Trigger Alzheimer’s, ALS, and Other Neurological Degenerative Diseases

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Guest post by Bill Hennessy

Everyone from Joe Biden to Red Pope Francis is pushing for 100% acceptance of the mRNA vaccine for COVID. The vaccine is unproven and untested. No one knows if the vaccine is more dangerous than the disease.

Over 50 percent of new COVID cases involve people who have already been vaccinated, [as reported on The Gateway Pundit earlier, according to a Yale epidemiologist]).

Now, a startling new report in *Microbiology and Infectious Disease* finds the mRNA vaccines could trigger Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, and other neurological and cognitive degenerative diseases.

From the report by J. Bart Classen, MD:

Development of new vaccine technology has been plagued with problems in the past.