
WATCH: CNN’s Crybaby Loser Jim Acosta Whines That Tucker Carlson is ‘Fox’s Chief White Power Correspondent’

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One of CNN’s biggest crybaby losers, Jim Acosta, devoted a segment to whining that Tucker Carlson is “Fox’s chief White Power correspondent” over his response to the Derek Chauvin verdict.

According to the liberal media, anyone who disagrees with them about the Chauvin verdict is an evil racist who must be silenced.

“How about Tucker Carlson who in the wake of the Derek Chauvin verdict showed us all what’s under the hood?” Acosta moaned after playing clips of the families of George Floyd and Daunte Wright — two men killed while refusing to comply with police orders.

“It’s not just Laura Ingraham. How about Tucker Carlson who in the wake of the Derek Chauvin verdict showed us all what’s under the hood” pic.twitter.com/2KguWV8ViU

— Acyn (@Acyn) April 24,