
“I’d Have to Check on That” – Psaki When Asked Why Migrant Children in US Shelters Are Being Given Copies of Kamala Harris’ Book (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday was asked why migrant children brought to US shelters are being given copies of Kamala Harris’ children’s book.

Kamala Harris was appointed as “border czar” March 24th however she still hasn’t visited the border.

Kamala may not make it down to the US border but her book is.

Kamala’s book “Superheroes Everywhere” is included in the welcome packs for all of the migrant children entering the US.

Kamala makes quite a “superhero” after she slept her way into politics and the rest is history.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki why unaccompanied migrants receive a copy of Kamala Harris’ book.