
Andrew Cuomo Snaps At Reporters Asking If He Will Discipline Himself

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During his first press conference in months, Andrew Cuomo snapped at reporters who asked questions related to his avalanche of sexual harassment allegations.

The press conference was designed to hype New Yorkers to prepare for the annual New York State Fair.

Gov. Cuomo was asked about the New York Times story released a few weeks ago that interviewed 80 people who closely worked or work with Cuomo and said that he was saying ‘anti-trans slurs’ and saying that ‘Jews lived in effing treehouses.’

New York Times released, “Andrew Cuomo’s White-Knuckle Ride, Amid scandals, accusations and calls for his resignation, the New York governor seems determined to prove that the instincts that have gotten him into trouble can get him out of it too.”

The New York governor denied those allegations and told the Times that he never say such a thing.