
The Protect Democracy Project – One of Three Groups Who Requested the DOJ Stop the Arizona Audit – Is Connected to Soros and Funds the Mothership of Democrat ‘Non-Profits’

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We know that at least one of the three entities who are begging the DOJ to stop the Arizona forensic audit going on now, the Protect Democracy Project, is connected to Soros, but we uncovered that it is also connected to the mothership of Democrat Not-for-Profits (NFP’s)

Yesterday (on Thursday), three Lawfare groups petitioned the DOJ to stop the audit in Maricopa County Arizona:

Breaking: Three Lawfare Groups Petition Biden DOJ to Shut Down Maricopa County Forensic Audit — Cockroaches Fear the Light

We’ve reported on one of these organizations previously, the Protect Democracy Project.  We first reported on their efforts in Georgia which were biased and therefore against the code for NFP’s:

Arizona Should Sue the Far-Left ‘Protect Democracy Project’ for Misrepresenting Itself and Claiming It’s Not Political Which Doesn’t Appear to Be the Case

Then a couple of days ago we recognized their efforts again,