
Buh-Bye: Never-Trump TX Candidate Endorsed by Adam Kinzinger Only Gets 3% of Vote in Texas Congressional Race

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Never-Trump Republican candidate Mike Wood only grabbed 3% of the vote on Saturday in the special election for Texas’s 6 District.

How can you be Republican and not support the Trump agenda?

Kinzinger-backed anti-Trump candidate placed 9th with 3%.

Outside of some donors, corporate media, and assorted legacy GOP office-holders, there is no such thing as an actual establishment Republican constituency.

It’s a political mirage seen only by Haley, Cheney, CNN etc. pic.twitter.com/L8aZsVdzjG

— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) May 2, 2021

Outspoken dirtbag Adam Kinzinger endorsed Mike earlier this year.
It didn’t help.

The first test for Rep. @AdamKinzinger‘s “Country First” PAC will come in Texas,