
Hey New Hampshire – Look At who ‘Verified Voting’ (the Firm Selected to Audit Windham) Is Associating With

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Verified Voting may be the worst pick to perform the audit in New Hampshire’s Windham County based on its associates alone.  Remember, birds of a feather flock together.

It was announced last week that the auditor picked to perform an audit in New Hampshire’s Windham County was Verified Voting:

EMERGENCY ALERT: Windham, New Hampshire Officials Choose Far-Left Group to Conduct Forensic Audit — PLEASE CONTACT WINDHAM OFFICIALS TODAY!

We reported last week that New Hampshire officials selected Verified Voting, the same entity that said the Arizona election fraud claims were fake and worked to try to get the Maricopa County audit shut down!

This letter denouncing the New Hampshire audit WAS SIGNED by Mark Lindeman from Verified Voting!