
Hillary Clinton Roasted for Weighing in on How Presidents ‘Should Act in the Oval Office’ (VIDEO)

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Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton appeared on CNN Sunday via Skype and told CCP puppet Fareed Zakaria that Joe Biden embodies what a president should act like in the Oval Office.

“I give [Biden] an ‘A’ and I’m a hard grader… he has once again embodied and modeled what a president should act like in the Oval Office, in the White House, in the world at large,” Clinton said.


Hillary Clinton on Biden’s first 100 days: “I give [Biden] an ‘A’ and I’m a hard grader… he has once again embodied and modeled what a president should act like in the Oval Office, in the White House, in the world at large.” pic.twitter.com/RopNQZAA34

— The Hill (@thehill) May 2,