
Iran Says Biden Paid Billions for Prisoner Exchange — And Like Obama in 2016, Biden Administration Denies the Whole Thing

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Obama denied sending money to the terrorist nation Iran in 2016 but it was just another Obama lie.  He sent billions to the radical terrorist-led nation.  Now Obama/Biden is doing the same.

In 2016 the Obama Administration sent Iran pallets of cash and billions of dollars in wires.  But then denied it.  They denied any cash transfer and then pictures and videos appeared of cash on pallets.  Then Obama claimed they sent cash because they couldn’t wire the money, but it was quickly found that this too was a lie as the Administration sent wires totaling $1.2 billion to the terrorist nation.  Obama lied.

MORE LIES: Obama Said Pallet of Cash Sent to Iran Because ‘Wire Transfers Not Available’ – But Wire Transfers Sent 2 Days Later

Eric Trump,