The Coup Continues: Soros’s Open Society and Globalist Allies Partner with Far-Right Neo-Nazi Party in Hungary to Oust Orbán
The left-wing NGO network continues to attack conservative governments around the world: After the 2020 “Color Revolution” against Donald Trump, the Globalists are now setting their sights on Viktor Orban’s conservative government in Hungary – even partnering with Hungary’s neo-Nazi Jobbik party to do it.
by Richard Abelson
As Gateway Pundit reported, 2020 saw the left-wing Open Society NGO network drag former Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini to court for securing Italy’s borders; GP revealed how the 2019 coup against the Austrian government was staged by German journalists who belong to the Open Society network; and how Open Society NGOs are trying to bring down Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel with a lawfare campaign.