
BUSTED: Joe Biden Made Up Bizarre Story About Amtrak Conductor Angelo – Conductor Retired in 1993 – 22 Years Before Biden Hit 1 Million Miles on AF2

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Last week Joe Biden told a bizarre story about an Amtrak conductor named Angelo who used to grab his cheeks and call him “Joey Babbbyyyy.”

We were immediately suspicious of Biden’s tale so we filed it in “things that never happened.”

We were right.

Here’s recap of Biden’s bullsh*t story:

“When I became vice president, one of the Capitol Hill newspapers estimated that I had taken more than 7,000 round trips on Amtrak over my career. I think that’s an exaggeration. I’m going to rely on those two conductors — one of them was a guy named Angelo Negri,” Biden said last Friday.

“There was an article, I guess my 4th or 5th year as vice president,