
Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats (VIDEO)

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The University of Pittsburgh is growing scalps from aborted babies on lab rodents.
This is straight from a horror movie.

Photo via Life News

The scientists are using human baby fetal skin processed via removal of excess fat.

And Dr. Tony Fauci is funding this gruesome study.

Via LifeNews:

A new video from the Center for Medical Progress exposes a gristly experiment at the University of Pittsburgh that involved scalping five-month aborted babies and implanting their scalps onto rodents.

Now, Pennsylvania leaders are demanding an investigation and urging the university to stop its experiments using aborted baby body parts.

“Publicly available information demonstrates that Pitt hosts some of the most barbaric experiments carried out on aborted human infants,