
Nasty Partisan Professor Pamela Karlan, Who Shared Crude ‘Joke’ About Barron Trump Last Year, Is Behind Threatening Letter to AZ Senate This Week

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We first learned of Stanford attorney and professor, Pamela Karlan, during the sham impeachment hearing in the swamp last year.  Now she’s inserted herself and the DOJ into the forensic audit in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Now we have at least two instances where Pamela Karlan has inserted herself into operations to destroy President Trump.  She is supposed to be non-biased in her new role but it appears she just can’t help herself.

We saw her in action last year when she made a ‘joke’ about the President’s teenage son, Barron.  Representative Matt Gaetz put her in her place:

OUTSTANDING! Matt Gaetz BLASTS Radical, Far Left and “Mean” Professor Karlan After She Attacks Young Barron Trump (VIDEO)

It’s not surprising to see that Karlan was used by the Deep State to send the letter to the Arizona Senate yesterday:

#BREAKING the DOJ Civil Rights Division has sent a letter to Senator Fann raising concerns over how the #azaudit is being conducted.