
Male Weightlifter to Become First Transgender to Compete at an Olympics in Women’s Super Heavyweight Category

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Laurel Hubbard

A biological male will be allowed to compete at an Olympics weightlifting competition in the women’s super heavyweight category.

Laurel Hubbard, a 43-year-old New Zealander, used to compete in men’s weightlifting but after repeatedly losing he ‘transitioned’ in 2013 and now competes against women.

Hubbard is eligible to compete in the Olympics because “the IOC issued new guidelines allowing transgenders to compete as women as long as their testosterone levels are below 10 nanomoles per liter for at least 12 months before the competition,” Reuters reported.

Hubbard has angered many in the weightlifting world in the last several years, and rightfully so.

Hubbard’s 2019 gold medal wins at the Pacific Games in Samoa sparked outrage.