
Windham, NH Needs Canvassers to Help with Election Audit Petition! – 70% of People Are Agreeing to Sign the Request for Legitimate Auditors

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The Windham, NH canvassers are looking for more volunteers to help them canvas the community for legitimate election auditors.

The group is canvassing today in Windham from 9 AM until 7:30 PM.

According to NH Integrity Group founder Marylyn Todd, 70% of people are signing the petition requesting valid auditors for the 2020 elections audit.

As we reported earlier:

On Monday night at a raucous meeting, the city and state picked their own auditors for the Windham forensic audit.

And all three of the members chosen were linked to the shady Verified Voting firm!

Now the people are fighting back!

A petition and fundraiser was formed at GiveSendGo for the Windham residents to hire computer expert Jovan Pulitzer to run an audit for the people.