
GOP Rep Tells Never-Trumper Chris Wallace: “I Will Never Apologize for My Vote on Jan. 6” — Then Scolds Leftie Hack Chris Wallace (VIDEO)

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Never-Trump douche Chris Wallace attempted to shame Rep. Jim Banks on Sunday for the chaos at the US Capitol on January 6th where four Trump supporters died and one was murdered. Unfortunately for Chris, his far-left talking points don’t have the same sting as they did two months ago.

Banks told Wallace he “will never apologize for his vote on January 6th.” Then Banks went on to lay out the corruption of the Democrats and their proposed changes to the US election system to make it easier for Democrats to steal every election in the coming years.

Then Banks scolded Wallace for supporting such undemocratic policies.
Shame on Chris Wallace!

Banks was one of 147 Republicans who objected to the 2020 election results for numerous reasons which have yet to be addressed.