
Alaska Resident Marilyn Hueper Tells Horrifying Story of HOURS of FBI Occupation and Imprisonment – Feds Seized Her Pocket Declaration of Independence! (AUDIO)

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Paul and Marilyn Hueper

Alaska resident Marilyn Hueper on Tuesday recounted her horrifying experience when the FBI raided her home and seized her electronics during an explosive interview with Rose Unplugged on WJAS 1320 AM.

Last month the FBI raided a Homer, Alaska couple’s home looking for Nancy Pelosi’s laptop.

12 agents broke down the Hueper’s front door with their guns drawn, separated the husband and wife, cuffed them, seized their electronics and interrogated them for 3 hours.

After a 3 hour interrogation, it turned out it was a case of ‘mistaken identity.’

The Hueper’s just happened to be on vacation in DC the same week Trump spoke at the Ellipse on January 6 and decided to attend the rally,