
OUTRAGEOUS: Patriotic Men and Women Who Support Free and Fair Elections Are Being Tortured In DC Jails

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God and Country loving Americans are being tortured in DC Jails and the crooked members of the press and in Congress are silent. 
This is not America!

It’s been four months since former Vice President Mike Pence dropped his cape and let the world see his real Deep State colors.  Americans were in Washington DC to see the President and to watch as the Vice President finally called the insane, criminal and corrupt election what it was.  But instead, while the President was talking, Pence showed who he really is.

BREAKING: Traitor Mike Pence Certifies Biden’s Election ‘Victory’

While the President was still speaking, Pence showed his colors and the goons at the Capitol related to Antifa and BLM began doing what they do best,