
PROOF OF FRAUDULENT ELECTION: Trump Won More Blacks, Latinos, AND WOMEN and a “Sizeable” Shift to Trump by Immigrant Populations in 2020 Election — But Beijing Biden Won?

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Biden got a record low number of counties in the United States by a supposed “winner” – only 16%.

Trump won every bellwether county except one and every battleground race in the US House.

Trump won Ohio, Florida and Iowa handily something EVERY winning candidate has accomplished since 1960.

Biden won even fewer counties than Obama — but they claim he had more votes than Obama?

When you win a record low 17% of counties, lose Black & Hispanic support, lose 18/19 Bellwether Counties, lose Ohio, Florida, & Iowa — and lose 27/27 House “Toss-Ups” — but you shatter the popular vote record❗ pic.twitter.com/ceBEoVYf8k

— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 19,