
FOX News Anchor Bret Baier: Liz Cheney Probably Got Support Based on this Move – 100 GOP Lawmakers May Form New Party (VIDEO)

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FOX News anchor Bret Baier, never a huge Trump fan, joined Varney and Co. on Wednesday morning following the House GOP vote to remove Liz Cheney from leadership.

Cheney was ousted from leadership in a voice vote. She then ran to the media to attack and smear President Trump and carry the Democrat message to America.

What a sick, sick woman.

Bret Baier said 100 GOP lawmakers may form a new political party.
He said this with a straight face! Hah!

Bret Baier: She probably got some supporters based on this move saying she stands on principle and she’s going to continue to. There’s about 100 lawmakers apparently,