
Horrible Liz Cheney Runs to Liberal Media After Impeachment Vote to Smear GOP and Trump — Then Sits Down with NBC News Hack to Smear Party Some More

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The foolish House Republicans gave Liz Cheney a standing ovation as she walked off the stage today after they finally voted to boot her from Leadership.

Irony, defined.

Was just told Cheney got a standing ovation as she walked off stage today.

(From the Republicans who were *ousting* her.)

— Lisa Desjardins (@LisaDNews) May 12, 2021

Cheney is determined to destroy the Republican Party.  She can’t help it at this point.  And it’s obvious.

Following the vote Liz Cheney walked off the stage and then went right to the liberal press.

Cheney smeared President Trump and half of America by claiming their was nothing wrong with the 2020 election.  » READ MORE