
WATCH: Rep. Andrew Clyde Defends Jan. 6 Protesters, Says Calling it an ‘Insurrection’ is a Lie

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Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde defended the January 6th protesters during a House Oversight hearing on Wednesday, demanding that it was not an “insurrection” like the Democrats and RINOs like to claim it was.

Rep. Clyde took issue with the title of the hearing, which was “The Capitol Insurrection: Unexplained Delays and Unanswered Questions.”

“Let’s be honest with the American people,” Clyde said. “It was not an insurrection. And we cannot call it that and be truthful.”

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) arguing that the takeover of the Capitol Jan. 6 was akin to a “normal tourist visit” and that those who entered the Capitol did so in “an orderly fashion”:pic.twitter.com/EuNv8uxqXy

— Ursula Perano (@UrsulaPerano) May 12,