
Biden’s America and the Road to Perdition

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Is Path to Purchase the Road to Perdition? | GreenBook

The following tweet sums it up. We’re “so f*cking screwed.” The following “recruitment” ad joins the list of absurd, ridiculous political correctness that is drowning our National Security agencies and institutions. Recruiting homosexuals and promoting homosexuals is the common theme in the recent release of CIA and Army recruitment propaganda.

Our country is so f*cking screwed. pic.twitter.com/x4fgguISoR

— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) May 13, 2021

Please understand my point. One’s sexuality should not matter. One’s skin color should not matter. What matters is whether the man or woman loves America and is willing to protect and defend the Constitution. Period.

But that is not the focus of these recruitment campaigns.