
Exclusive Statement: Left Freaks Out That MTG Visted AOC’s Office In 2019, Video Shows Nothing Scary

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Democrat politicians and their media allies are focused on US House Rep. Majorie Taylor Green from Georgia for her strong activist streak that resonates with President Donald J. Trump’s supporters and the overall Conservative- America First-Populist movement. Here is the leftist media’s latest attempt to discredit the powerful Congresswoman.

“Greene searched Capitol office building for Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, 2019 video shows The now-deleted video of Marjorie Taylor Greene surfaced just days after the GOP congresswoman verbally accosted Ocasio-Cortez outside the House chamber,” The Washington Post reported Saturday, along with a video that had gone viral overnight Friday, showing Greene and a small group of associates.

The group began their visit by dropping off a petition to Democrat Speaker of the House,