
Biden’s Summer Camp for Migrant Kids: Plans for 10,000 Children in Massive Tent City at Fort Bliss, Texas – Up from 4,500 Currently Warehoused There in Filthy Conditions

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Joe Biden is planning on warehousing up to ten thousand migrant children in a massive tent city at Fort Bliss, Texas this summer, more than doubling the 4,500 migrant kids currently being held in warehouse conditions there. Advocates report the children now at Fort Bliss are stuck wearing dirty clothes and sleep on rickety cots with unwashed sheets in tents that hold 900 children each and “smell like a high school locker room.” The Biden administration has been bragging to reporters how they successfully moved migrant children out of crowded, disease spreading Border Patrol facilities. What they haven’t said is that the kids are now housed in crowded, disease spreading tent encampments at Fort Bliss.

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Biden’s abrupt reversal last January of President Trump’s border policy blocking illegal alien migrant children from remaining in the United States due to the pandemic has caused a surge of tens of thousands of children to be smuggled by human traffickers across the border with Mexico.