
The Big Terrorist Lie and the Growth of the Surveillance State – Feds Are Using Far-Left Operatives from SPLC, ADL, ACLU in Pentagon ‘Working Group’

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An important articles out today that highlights the dangerous road our American republic is traveling–the Federal Government, in the name of combating terrorism, is unconstitutionally spying on Americans and, at the same time, increasing the personnel and infrastructure required subvert our freedoms.

The article by Ken Klippenstein, writing for the Intercept, describes a new Pentagon “Working Group” comprised largely of left-wing ideologues with a demonstrated bias against conservatives. Unfortunately, Ken’s editors at the Intercept had him focus on only two of the 18 names on the list–Michael Berry and Anat Agron and leave the impression that right-wing extremists have inflitrated the Working Group. But they are the only two with links to conservative groups.

If you take a closer look at the attached list you will see that at least 7 of the 18 members of this “Working Group” are or have been affiliated with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) or the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) or the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).