
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Gave $100,000 to a Private Trust For Joe Biden’s Grandchildren – Discussed ‘Future Work Options’ with Hunter as Middleman

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Photo credit: Daily Mail

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren, the Daily Mail revealed.

Louis Freeh also spoke with then-VP Joe Biden in 2016 to “explore with him some future work options” that included Hunter Biden.

Freeh, who served as FBI Director under Bill Clinton and George Bush, ran a consulting firm with very corrupt clients who ended up being charged with crimes.

According to the Daily Mail, Freeh’s clients included the “now-jailed Malaysian prime minister who stole billions of dollars from his country and a Romanian real estate tycoon convicted of bribery.”

Via The Daily Mail:

Freeh brought up the idea again a month later – and mentioned that he was working for the then-Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak,