
HUGE: MORE VIDEO SURFACES of Capitol Police Waving Protesters Inside, Moving Barricades Aside, Standing By as Protesters Walk In

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American Greatness published video on Sunday that directly contradicts government prosecutors’s claims filed against at least one protester in the January 6 “riots” at the US Capitol.

The new video reveals that police invited several protesters into the US Capitol that day. Several of these same protesters were later charged by overzealous prosecutors and smeared by the press.

Julie Kelly at American Greatness reported:

Another video shows a police officer moving fencing and into the US Capitol.

Who the hell was this “cop”?? Why encouraging people through? pic.twitter.com/OcXWCh33P9

— Greg Kelly (@gregkellyusa) May 16, 2021

Another video shows a Capitol Police officer directing protesters inside the US Capitol to the Senate Chambers.