
Man On Video Dismantles BLM ‘Autonomous Zone’ Barricades Blocking Street At ‘George Floyd Square’

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Not all heroes wear capes. 

Over the weekend, a man in Minneapolis was caught on tape dismantling a roadblock set up by BLM honoring George Floyd and cutting down structures with a hatchet.

According to video captured by the Star Tribune, the unidentified man pulled up to the show in his pickup truck before tossing signs to the pavement. At about 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, he returned to his car, took a hatchet, and bashed into what seemed to be a tiny shed.

“This was particularly upsetting that this would happen after the historic trial and the upcoming memorial,” said LaToya Evans, a spokesperson for a nonprofit organization organizing a Floyd memorial.

This man was recorded in Minneapolis at the corner of 39th and Chicago destroying BLM barricades at George Floyd Square pic.twitter.com/kSTKuInkCY

— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) May 17,