
PBS Station Defends Drag Queen Story Hour For Kids Ages 3 to 8: ‘Performance Art That Can Inspire Creative Thinking’ (VIDEO)

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A PBS station in New York is defending its decision to air a children’s program featuring a prancing drag queen.

The program features a drag queen named “Lil’ Miss Hot Mess’ promoting his perverted book titled, “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish.”

The book features a drag queen with a blue mustache named “Cinderfella.”

Sane adults see this as grooming, but PBS is defending the degeneracy as “performance art.”

“I wrote this book because I wanted everyone to get to experience the magic of drag, and to get a little practice shaking their hips or shimmying their shoulders – to know how we can feel fabulous inside of our own bodies,” said Lil’ Miss Hot Mess.