
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Retired Special ICE Agent Reveals Makeshift Bridge From Mexico To Texas… No Border Patrol For Miles

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Retired Supervisory Special ICE Agent and author of the true story, “Agent Under Fire,” Victor Avila, traveled to the southern border to investigate how well Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are protecting our national security. What Avila found was astounding.

100 Percent Fed Up – In Avila’s first video, he can be seen hopping over puddles to get to the Mexico-U.S. border as he easily makes his way across the Rio Grande in Hudspeth County, TX, east of El Paso County.


In his next video, Avila shows an actual bridge that stretches from Mexico to the U.S. Victor filmed the bridge in the dark of night and showed viewers where drug cartels are dropping off drugs for drug dealers to move across the bridge and into America.