
How Is This Not A Usurpation? Mayor Opens Government Office For Equity NonProfit

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In a moment of transparency, the left has shown Americans exactly how the Marxist left Community Organizers and Democrats usurp the US Constitution and take American’s rights away from us while we sit back helplessly and watch. I will show you proof it was all a plan by Democrats starting as far back as 2003.

“Local leaders launch ‘Houston Fund’ to support social justice, economic equity,” the African American Mayors Association reported on Friday.

“Local leaders launch ‘Houston Fund’ to support social justice, economic equity”@SylvesterTurner #AAMA #OurMayors https://t.co/la227LvvKC

— African American Mayors Association (@OurMayors) May 22, 2021

Consider this recent press release from a Democrat Mayor of a small town in Texas and think about a long time pattern of behavior by the left to co-mingle politicians and lawmakers with non-profits and non-government organizations (NGO),