
Gay Sergeant Blasts Capitol Hill Pride Parade For Banning Cops, Calls Out ‘Blatant Hate’ and ‘Hypocrisy’

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A gay Seattle Police Department sergeant is blasting Seattle’s Capitol Hill Pride, after it banned officers from attending the 2021 parade over concerns about “white supremacy.”

Capitol Hill Pride announced on Friday that they are banning law enforcement participation from the parade, which is scheduled to take place on June 26 and 27.

The organization claims that they are banning police to create “an atmosphere free of fear or harm,” they also asked that police working the event stick to the perimeters, claiming that they have“ongoing concerns of white supremacy views within police departments.”

“We feel the best way the police can do their job is on the perimeter watching for violators, hate groups and potential disruptions and uphold the new Washington State ban of open carry firearms at demonstrations instead of creating an intimidating police presence,” the statement reads.  » READ MORE