
Support for Black Lives Matter Has Absolutely Plummeted Since Last Summer’s Riots

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An analysis from the New York Times has found that, despite the media’s best efforts at propping it up, support for Black Lives Matter has absolutely plummeted since last summer.

Their report, which presents itself as a deep dive into why the country is losing interest in the violent movement, does not even bother mentioning the months of chaos and terrorism perpetrated under the BLM banner.

Instead, they seem to blame Americans for not going through a proper “racial reckoning.”

From NYT: ‘Support for Black Lives Matter Surged Last Year. Did It Last?’ The answer is no. ‘The data…contradicts the idea that the country underwent a racial reckoning.’ https://t.co/GL2wY9BsB5 pic.twitter.com/hlTK2xMMB3

— Byron York (@ByronYork) May 22,