
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs State’s Social Media ‘Censorship’ Bill to Loud Applause

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Social Media ‘Censorship’ Bill

It’s another sunny day in Florida as Governor Ron DeSantis signed off on a Censorship bill in the state.

6South Florida reported today:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation Monday as part of his campaign to reign in Big Tech companies when it comes to how they handle the information they collect from consumers and in how social media platforms treat their users.

DeSantis said the bill, signed at Florida International University in Miami by the Republican governor, cracks down on what he called social media “censorship” while safeguarding Floridians’ ability to access social media platforms.

“One of their major missions seems to be suppressing ideas that are either inconvenient to the narrative or which they personally disagree with,” DeSantis said.