
“He pepper-sprayed my eyes and tried to steal my M-16, so I beat him with a rock.”

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On Saturday, Yossi Amar was waiting at a bus stop near the legendary Grave of Moses, on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho, when a terrorist jumped out at him, pepper-sprayed his eyes, and tried to steal his M-16 rifle, Israeli patriotic NGO Im Tirtzu reports on Facebook.

Too bad Yossi is a soldier in the Israeli Army’s crack anti-terror Kfir Brigade, trained in Krav Maga and close-quarters combat, ready to fight for his country at any time. Despite the unexpected attack, Yossi managed to fight off the terrorist, tackle him to the ground, and beat him into submission. Yossi recounted:

“I was standing at a bus stop near Nebi Musa (Grave of Moses).