
BREAKING VIDEO — SHOOTING Breaks Out at George Floyd Autonomous Zone on One Year Anniversary of His Death

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The George Floyd autonomous zone was hoping to have a moment of silence for George Floyd today but instead, the autonomous zone broke out in gunfire.

The George Floyd autonomous zone in Minnesota boasts a shrine at an intersection near where Floyd was killed.

The fight to make George Floyd Square an “autonomous zone” pic.twitter.com/Qj6n5ol7f0

— Insider News (@InsiderNews) May 25, 2021

Unfortunately for those wanting to memorialize George Floyd’s death, gunfire broke out at the autonomous zone:

Gun fire in the #Minneapolis George Floyd “Autonomous Zone” earlier pic.twitter.com/CyV6vMgh4j

— AntifaWatch (@AntifaWatch2) May 25, 2021

Here is the video of the shooting from earlier today.  » READ MORE